AeroGATES , at your service...
AeroGATES , at your service...


MAI (Mauritius AVIATION Institute)'s mission is to provide Aeronautical Training in Mauritius and in the SADC region (Southern African Development Community).

MAI is now looking to expand its range of training courses in aeronautical maintenance.


The MAI training centre is being opened in partnership with AeroGATES. This company has major expertise in the creation of international training centres in the field of Aeronautical Maintenance.

The Training Center must obtain:

  • the MCAR-147 Approval from Mauritius Department of Civil Aviation,
  • the PART-147Approval from the EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency)


The following are the key points concerning the training that will be available at MAI: 

  • Objectives and the need for qualified jobs to which it responds,
  • Quality criteria required and the equivalent centres created by AeroGATES over more than forty years, 
  • Organisation of training activities: licence category, distribution between courses, practical work and company placements,
  • Public (students, workers, etc.) concerned by these training courses,
  • Access to examples of theoretical courses, practical work and training assessments,
  • Practical informations: training locations, facilities, etc.

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has published an important report which explains that, over the next twenty years, the demand for qualified aviation personnel - such as aircraft maintenance personnel - will need to be correlated to aircraft delivery plans.

The challenge for the industry remains to ensure sufficient training capacities without compromising quality and safety standards.


The ICAO study shows that the maintenance aviation personnel  population must increase by a factor of 2.0:

  •  from 581 926 (2010) 
  •  to 1 165 000 (2030).

In the Asia/Pacific region, around 289 000 aircraft mechanics will be needed by 2030.

To reach this target, 19 000  would have to be trained each year, but the current capacity is only 4 300. 

This shows the immense need for the training provided by the Mauritius Aviation Institute.

The Quality of AeroGATES' prestations is demonstrated by the Quality of the Institutions that have ordered them.


These projects were carried out at the request of French or European institutions such as:

  • the MAE (Ministry of Foreign Affairs),
  • the AFD (French Development Agency),
  • the European Commission.
  • EADS International ,
  • AIRBUS Industries.

 Three examples of major realizations:



The project  for the creation of the IMA (1987) received a unanimous consensus and many financial contributions for its realization.


The French state provided the land for the construction. The land is located on the edge of the Bordeaux-Mérignac airport, close to aeronautical companies (Sabena Technics, Dassault Industries, Thalès, etc.).


Local authorities (Ville de Mérignac, Conseil Général de la Gironde and Conseil Régional d'Aquitaine) and the European Union have financed the construction and scientific equipment,
Manufacturers (Airbus and Air France) provided equipment, aircraft and simulators.


Today, IMA / Evering has the status of an engineering school (INP - Institut National Polytechnique).



Click on the logo for informations about IMA/Evering today (in French).



In partnership with UOB (University Of Balamand), AeroGATES coordinated the SF-HEAT project financed by the European Union as part of TEMPUS programme.


The objective was to open university (bachelor and master) and professional (PART-66) training courses at UOB in the speciality of aeronautical maintenance.



The work programme ran from 2010 to 2013.

During this period, AeroGATES developed a new version of the PART-66 courses, MCQs and "open questions".



Click on the logo for more informations about the aircraft maintenance department at UoB.



AIRBUS sought the expertise of AeroGATES through IAS (Institut Aéronautique & Spatial) to implement the aeronautics license at USTH.


The work program ran from 2016 to 2018.


The laboratories are defined (purchase of equipment and installation of practical work).



During this period, AeroGATES developed all 

training materials and practical sheets.


Click on the logo for more informations about the aircraft maintenance department at USTH


The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is the Agency of the European Union (EU) with responsibility for civil aviation safety.

The New Regulation (EU) 2023/989 of 02 November 2023 amending the Regulation (EC) N° 1321/2014 of 26 November 2014 on the continuing airworthiness of aircraft and aeronautical products, parts and appliances and on the approval of organisations and personnel involved in these tasks.

The main aeronautical maintenance regulations concerns:

Q    For aircraft maintenance entreprises:                        Certifying enterprises: Annex II: Part 145,

Q    For aircraft mechanics:                                                Certifying staff: Annex III – Part 66,

Q    For training organizations:                                          Certifying organizations: Annex IV - Part 147.




a) Theoretical courses:

Courseware access:

To reach the theoritical course (evaluation version), for the"B1.1" license, click on the image below.

Then choose the desired module.

The ‘BACK’ button can be used to go back to explore other modules.


b) Practical training worksheets:

Access to sheets:

To reach the practical sheet (evaluation version) for "B1" category of PART-66 training, click on the image.



The ‘BACK’ button can be used to go back to explore other modules.




c) Multi-choice questions (MCQs):

MCQs for "B1.1" licenses:

Click on the image to see  examples  of MCQs for "B1.1" licenses.



The ‘BACK’ button can be used to go back to explore other modules.





a) Theoretical courses:

Courseware access:

To reach the theoritical course (evaluation version), for the"B2" license, click on the image below.

Then choose the desired module.

The ‘BACK’ button can be used to go back to explore other modules.


b) Practical training worksheets:

Access to sheets:

To reach the practical sheet (evaluation version) for "B2" category of PART-66 training, click on the image.



The ‘BACK’ button can be used to go back to explore other modules.




c) Multi-choice questions (MCQs):

MCQs for "B2" licenses:

Click on the image to see  examples  of MCQs for "B2" licenses.



The ‘BACK’ button can be used to go back to explore other modules.


Students holding a B1.1 license may be admitted to pursue higher studies to obtain a BACHELOR and then a MASTER OF ENGINEERING specialized in Aeronautics.

Training courses will be organized abroad, or an university branch may be set up within MAURITIUS AVIATION INTITUTE.

AeroGATES is a company  specialized in the realization of projects with an international dimension.

AeroGATES operates in the world to support the growth of aeronautical activities.

AeroGATES develops:     

  • education projects,
  • training activities
  • new concepts of transportation,
  • etc ...

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