PART-66 regulations apply to each type of aircraft. It includes different categories of training. We have chosen to study the training most in demand by aircraft maintenance workshops.
These are clearly categories B1.1 (Turbine Aeroplane) and B2 (Instruments & Avionics).
The first two promotions will focus on category B1.1 and the next two on category B2.
It should be noted that it is very easy for holders of the B1.1 license to obtain the B2 license and vice versa.
a) Women & Men:
The PART-66 license is aimed at motivated, mobile candidates, both Women and men.
b) Students & Professionnal staff:
The PART-66 training is aimed at two types of public:
1. Students.
Students enrol for a two-year course. The teaching is presented in the presence of the students and is divided between theoretical courses and practical work.
Training controls will be organised, module follows module, will enable to validate knowledge.
2. Professional staff may benefit from a special status:
3. Air Mauritius technicians :
Particular mention should be made of maintenance personnel working for aircraft repair companies such as Air Mauritius, for whom the knowledge already acquired will be validated.
The organisation of the training will be defined taking into account their professional constraints.
Training will begin in January 2025.
The courses offered to the first intake of students will be those that correspond to the strongest industrial demand, namely:
EASA Category B1.1 license - AEROPLANE TURBINE.
The course lasts about two years.
It is broken down into:
Today, the following points have already been achieved:
For all questions relating to the organization
of the training, industrial internships, careers accessible with the EASA PART-66 diploma, and further studies, please contact:
For all administrative, technical and financial questions relating to the studies,
please contact: